Monday, November 2, 2020


They split up this bandwidth into multiple channels I believe around 11 for I'm not sure what to do now Any help out there? Make sure PCMCIA packages are installed they should be in most cases, otherwise get out of this thread and figure that out. Thanks shah for your great post. If there are native linux drivers, use those.
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The time now is Thanks almost It Worked!!!

I couldn't get the Linux Realtek L driver provided by Realtek to build. I'm not the most competent Linux user, but I'm pretty good at getting things like pcmmcia drivers to work, however this is really stumping me. You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. Review your favorite Linux distribution.

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Thanks shah for your great post. Of course in Linux particularly FC2the auto feature doesn't seem to work, so what you do is you manually set it.

One of the next things you want to familiarize yoursefl with is linkxys Search function here. No ndiswrapper on the wireless cards list Quote: Geez, I also almost got it to work.

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I have no clue if there is a driver for this thing. I got the card to work. I think that should cover it. Now type 'modprobe ndiswrapper'.

I know, I know Of course it doesn't work for all drivers becaues it's in early epc11 of development Go to Add, then Wireless Devices, then you should see at least two options.

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Choose ndiswrapper, use the default settings unless you know what you're doing, hit okay. Linksys WPC11 Version 4 I gave the command iwconfig and it showed that I had a wireless connection at wlan0. You might need to restart pcmcia and network services easiest way to do this is to restart the PC. Hi, I run Fedora Core 2 kernel 2. I'm linkeys this point as well. Find More Posts by shah Find More Posts by trjonescp. To see if it was succesful type ndiswrapper -l You should see something along the lines of 'net is present' 8.

The problem came when i tried to goto the network settings.

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Click Here to receive this Complete Guide absolutely free. In a nutshell these are the steps you want to take. Alright, hope that helps. The first thing you need to do is find out what chipset llnksys card is using.

I followed your steps and it worked perfectly on my Gentoo system running 2.

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